


The following contributions received one of the 4 awards at the 21st edition of ISOT, congratulation to all authors:

Best Paper Award:

Nicolas Verrier, Marion Manzoni, Matthieu Debailleul, Xingyu Wu, Arnaud Spangenberg, Olivier Haeberlé

"Tomographic Diffraction Microscopy: 3D marker-less characterization of sample in both transmission and reflection regimes"

Best Innovation Paper Award:

Mizutani Yashuhiro, Li Zhehan, Yoshiyasu Tadokoro, Tsutomu Uenohara, Yasuhiro Takaya

"Scanning 2D Surface Profilometry by using Spin-Hall Effect of Light"

Best Student Paper Award:

Edison Gerena, Stéphane Régnier, Sinan Haliyo

"Interactive Laser-actuated micro-robots for Experimental Biology"

Best Poster Award:

Sylwester Bargiel, Fernando Eleazar Garcia Ramirez, Przemyslaw Struk, Jean-Loup Skora, Quentin Tanguy, Olivier Gaiffe, Philippe Lutz, Jean-Marc Cote, Huikai Xie, Christophe Gorecki

"3-D micro-assembly approach to fabrication of a scanning MOEMS-based endoscopic probe for Optical Coherence Tomography imaging"

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